Oct 3, 2023




The stars in the night sky, 

Were so clear and bright,

Last night,

They were amazing to see.

Do you ever go to your window, 

Once the bedroom light is off, 

And look at the night sky?

You should it is full of millions of stars, 

Some much brighter than others.

They are so far away,

Out of our reach without a Space Ship.

One day humans might be able to get closer, 

Landing on a safe nearer planet.

At the moment when I stargaze, 

I imagine being much closer, 

To finding that people-friendly planet,

To go to in the future.

For now, 

There are books and maps,

In the libraries about stars, 

Planets and the universe.

Plus the magic of the internet, 

Where your parents or teachers, 

Can at the click of a button introduce you 

To the wonderful art of stargazing.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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