Oct 21, 2023



Gathering my cloak tighter around in protection from damp and cold.

I step from the tavern’s door, sword sheathed neatly beside my quick right arm.

Standing for a moment silently closing the door on the companionship to be found within.

Adjusting eyes and ears to the night-time scares, with imagination competing too.

It is the season for scary times, witches screams and crazy rhymes.

Evil does take courage to search for victims amongst the unwary.

On swift feet and dodging puddles I dare not tarry, till home beckons.

With welcoming candle glow and fireside warmth I hang up my sword.

Relaxing now safe once more inside, to gather up a book of tales of much more scary times.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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