Oct 23, 2023



Knock, knock!

Trick or Treat!

As dusk begins to fall darkness settles.

The spiders and the bats start creeping in.

Witches shake their magic capes ready to deal,

With 'Trick or Treats.'

The broomsticks twist about ready for flight in the air.

Skeletons unfolding their bones to rattle everywhere.

Once they get together they will,

Dance and scare the night away.

If you are children you will be asked to trick or treat,

Knocking on doors!

Take care and do not enter without a parent,

Standing near, holding your hand.

Great fun can be had on this spirit-filled night,

With pumpkin lamps and lots of delicious food.

Oooooh, Oooooh, Haaaaah.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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