Oct 3, 2023



Autumn’s advance is rather like a foxtrot this year, forward and back. One minute we drop from 29 degrees to 14, with the arrival of gales and heavy downpours of a month's worth of rain. Just as you change your summer clothes to winter. Up soars the temp to a week of 28 degrees or more.

It is easy for us, but what about the poor plants, wild animals and insects, they must be very confused. 

The farmers are having a rough time with their crops Worldwide this year. What to plant? When to plant? When to reap and safely gather in, the wheat, corn and rice we all rely on?

On the plus side, the dropping of leaves, seeds, and fruit gives us reasons to make fun things. 

Jams to pop on our toast, fruit to bottle for winter. Nuts must not be given or used in the presence of anyone with a nut allergy. Nuts and seeds to eat whole or crush for oil or to spread on our bread. Adding them to flour gives extra nutrition especially if you add raisins and sultanas. Delicious!

Mushrooms can be collected with care by someone who knows which can be safely eaten. If you pick too many do not worry, freeze them for another day.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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