Oct 14, 2024



We did not notice as you sat at our table, a happy family. We encourage you to stay. You kept nipping out for a smoke, 

Blowing it high up in the air. A meal we spread before you, first of all, you chased it absently and mindlessly around the plate. 

While we sat and chatted away, gently asking about your new baby boy born the previous day you played with your knife and fork, taking an occasional bite. 

We said, ‘You must be proud to be a Dad at last.’ 

He laughed and said ‘Yes!’ And tried to rise. 

We said, ‘Finnish your meal, as no one home is there. 

‘No!’ he laughed loudly. ‘I have to go through,’ gulping down his tea. 

He tried to give Dad a new box of kitchen tiles. 

Dad said ‘No thank you. You need them for your work.’

‘No I won’t!’ He said sharply starting to put his jacket on. 

We told him to go home and rest up while he could. 

We waved him off into the now dark night. At ten in the morning, the phone rang. 

Grasping the phone I was told, our friend had hung himself. In the garage after he left us. His wife had told him the baby was not his. 

We were stunned, brains racing, what had we missed? 

That moment lived with us vividly for a long time, what had we missed? 

I still wonder all these years later what did we miss? 

There are many families, friends and colleagues left with unanswered question. 

‘What did we miss?’

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by D koi on Unsplash

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