Oct 15, 2024

Yesterday: A Touch of the Past


A totally unexpected, amazing thing happened here yesterday, apart from the delightful and welcoming arrival of Anne Watts to join Anna Almeida, who is staying with us on holiday.

Together, who knows what will happen when we join our minds and efforts for children and people in need or distress at the moment? 

It’s a huge task, but if we tackle it a bit at a time within our capabilities, a small patch might grow into a quilt.

Anne is settling in, and the friends who brought her surprised me with an extraordinary, precious letter from Florence Nightingale no less! 

It was such a thrill to hold and read something very few have seen. It had been kept by a family member who died out, leaving it to Anne’s friend. 

Anne suggested I might like to see it. Indeed I did; what a thrill. 

What an unexpected and wonderful experience!

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by melanfolia меланфолія on  Unsplash

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