Oct 12, 2024



Fantasy the very word starts my imagination running free.

The constraints and bonds drop away from me.

I start to look around and construct a world better for all, where truth runs free and respect is not bought just honestly given.

In my fantasy land red tape would be cut to the quick.

Animals would be able to converse with you and me.

Explaining what plants to eat without being sick.

Oh my, how wonderful that would be.

All children would go to school, no need to pay home to teach their parents some wonderful new ways.

Sharing knowledge their income would surely rise.

A home their own little palace would be earn’t what a surprise.

Bullies young and old would be tackled with a spectacular spell.

They’d soon learn their lesson, repent and bully no more.

Wars would disappear then forever for sure.

If ill health should start, a walk through a beam would see it’s fantasy cure.

Pain would be banished in this miraculous world of mine, as it is unfair that so many suffer through no fault of their own.

Fires, storms and weather events would be more contained with warnings.

So life could be preserved not damaged and reinvented time after time.

A spell would ensure we never forget our love for one another, plus the gift of kindness we can on others bestow.

Yet another spell at the end of life, just to let us slip gently away.

Leaving the World a clean, cherished place for others to comfortably stay.

Oh if only, a tiny bit of my fantasy could become reality, the changes would be good.

Perhaps without the spells, using human compassion and skills, parts might still be commonly used.

Our damaged world so needs all the help we as humans can manage to give now.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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