Oct 12, 2024



Pitter, patter rain splatters steadily down my windowpane, wind-driven louder rattles earn my interest now and again,

Little raindrops start their hit and run the minute they kiss and shatter on the glass.

A single drop joins the relentless slow build-up, playing stops and goes slipping and sliding down very fast.

All of a sudden the window ledge stops the drops and rain shoots off, forming a small puddle on the path.

When only a shower it evaporates to fall as rain once again, somewhere a little further off.

If it has been born from a storm, heavy bashing rain comes crashing and shatters in torrents on the glass.

It shoots off in waterfalls of thundering power, down off the ledge throwing pebbles haphazardly into space.

It is desperate to join the pounding throng of gallons of water in a mad chase.

Ever moving forward into the river increasing its power and pace.

Playing its music with bursts of froth and dramatic showers of spray.

Then after all the tremendous active water gymnastics, It swirls out of the river mouth and across the bay.

To be pampered by gentle breezes to soothe and move all it's aggression away.

So please spare a thought for the rain.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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