Feb 24, 2024



Arriving at the station boarding the night sleeper, trying to keep my excitement in check.

Arranging my belongings before creeping into my berth for a rest. Waiting for the steam release and whistle as the great train importantly pulled away, 

Leaving the grime of the city behind, to spend time with the family on a short holiday. We were off, and as the speed increased I started to shake and roll.

The clatter of wheels on rails finally lulled me off to sleep, to be gently awoken by the steward with a nice cup of tea. Advising me of my arrival time, that was when the excitement hit. 

Home to the Highlands of Scotland, to share stories, laughter and love with those so close to me.

The train slowly drew into the station, I slid down the window it was still dark.

The smell of smoke and the cold highland air hit me, as I gazed trying hard to see, the vision of my father standing there ready to welcome me.

As we hugged each other, the guard blew his whistle and waved his lamp, before the train gathered speed and clattered off into the dark.

Leaving us to cross the bridge with my case in silence, as the dawn birds began to awaken to have their say.

We drove home to our family cottage, where we were all going to stay for Christmas. A family Christmas near perfect and one I would never forget.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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