Feb 23, 2024



I received a very aggressive phone call on my landline, from a woman purporting to be from Microsoft. As soon as she mentioned Microsoft and it was about my computer, I stopped her, saying, “If my computer needs anything done to it, I will contact them myself, thank you,” and put the phone down.

She rang again immediately, asking me to listen to her as it was serious. I said, “No, I would mention it to my son,” putting down the phone. It rang again and my husband picked it up. I shouted to him to put it down and not answer it, in case he pressed whatever she wanted. I was worried as he did not have his hearing aids in. Thankfully, he complied! 

Then it rang again. I said, “Leave us alone!” She said she was going to keep ringing until we went to Reading; otherwise, we would lose our computers entirely. I just cut her off again. I knew what to do but many vulnerable people would have been intimidated. 

I have had many scam calls but none were as aggressive as this lady. So, beware; just put your phone down. Do not answer any calls immediately and use another line if you have one. 

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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