Feb 19, 2024



I am a cat and I’ve been bombarded. Don’t know why it’s happened to me. My home is a pile of rubble and my family is missing. I’ve searched and searched around me but nowhere can I find a person that I remember, or who even recognises me.

Oh wow! Oh wow! Where can I go? Will my family come looking for me?

I’m living a nightmare. I long to feel warm and safe. Food is no longer on a plate for me to eat whenever I wish. I now know, with the pangs of hunger attacking me, that I am starving. I have to hunt for some food.

Yet I am terrified of leaving the hole providing me protection. The bombs are still falling every now and then; no idea when they will end. I long for a calming cuddle to last for a long, long time.

Someone is coming. Will they find me? They have food; I can smell it. They are talking gently. Shall I take the risk and show them where I now live? Slowly, I inch my way forward with the smell and sight of food tempting me. 

Suddenly, I am eating as fast as I can; then I crash: I am trapped in a cage. Let me out, let me out. I struggled, throwing myself against the bars. The voice of the man still with me remained so very kind. 

I slowly curled up in protection as the cage moved and he carried me along, then placed me in a van, where a chorus of voices called out. There were cats and dogs and a caged bird or two. Where are we going? No one seemed to know. The door closed and we moved away from the only place we had ever known.

Our journey seemed to go on forever. The sound of battle slowly dimmed. At last, we stopped, the door opened and our kind man was joined by other kind voices as, one by one, we were unloaded into the light and the warmth. Then food, delicious food, appeared, which we gulped down as fast as we could, as we did not know if there would be any more.

Later, I was taken out, weighed, injected, brushed, and had a collar put around my neck, with a number, a name and where I was found. I could not tell them my real name, though I tried so hard.

Days went by boringly, day after day until a shout of joy rang out and the kind man came towards me. “What a lucky cat you are. Your dad has been found; he has been looking for you. He will soon be here and you will be free.” He took me out and cuddled me close, whispering, “I am so glad, my friend, you are returning, minus one life, to your family. You still have eight more to go, so they say, so remain safe and free with lots of good luck on your back from me.”

© 2024 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License 

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