Feb 18, 2024


This is such an interesting and important subject. In the experience, I have in storytelling to complete strangers and friends, I am delighted to see the difference between when they arrive to listen and when they leave. Body shape changes, smiles, laughs, and sometimes tears, cause more alterations in demeanour.

Just yesterday I read a chapter of my book to my young carer. At the end, after a moment’s silence, I asked, “What did you think of the story?”

I saw her laugh and come alive, and she said, “I like it a lot as it takes the misery out of my head and allows me to leave with interesting and nice things to think about the rest of the day.”

She laughed again when I asked, “Would other young women of your age read it?” 

“Absolutely. It is amazing; they would love it. When will it be finished?”

She left a different person, and I sat adjusting my impression of a young lady released from misery, for a while at least. 

This young lady, up to this time, rarely smiled and never spoke unless spoken to. Caring is a very stressful life, especially when you are working long hours and so far away from your family and friends. 

© 2024 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License 

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