Feb 20, 2024



Yes, we are avid storytellers and listeners, which takes us into all kinds of situations: some very serious, others sliding us into delightful mixes of unrehearsed comedy. Those moments carry us through the tough times.

It is interesting to meet groups from other countries, with their reactions and behaviour when in a foreign country, which can cause total amazement. There seems to be, in some cases, before setting off, no research about the customs, food, health issues, or animals and insects to be aware of.

Your little story caused me to chuckle: to be mistaken for a lovely local English-limited Cambodian; brilliant! I loved your description of the temples, teak wood, white linen tablecloths, orchids, and enormous tree roots. I have memories of those, too. Bareback riding was also fun in those days, winding my way through rubber plantations, and arriving back exhausted. I wish I was a fairy and could fly back for a quick visit in peaceful times. Not sure it would be the same though!

I have often wondered about those devastated people, trying to pick up the pieces of totally wrecked lives after wars of any kind have moved on.

Music is a great soother and healer, slowly over time. So is the peaceful mingling of different nationalities, learning from one another about the past and talking about the future: bits to avoid, others to expand and share with kindness and love.

Thank you. You have both started my thoughts flowing, trying to ignore the insistent beat of war drums in different parts of the world. I would far rather listen intently for the imaginary beat of fairy wings.

© 2024 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License 

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