Feb 21, 2024


The first evening we went down to the main restaurant for our meal, we were placed on table 14, a table for four. We had asked to be placed on one of six or eight. We sat down and awaited our absent table companions. Alas on the whole cruise, we dined alone, except for visits from the occasional temporary visitor or two.

There was a table for two next to us which was occupied by an Italian American gentleman who I can only describe as a larger-than-life sort of character and his charming companion. He wore glasses and an extraordinary amount of real or gold chains.

Attached to one was a gold-coloured motor launch about three inches long and two wide, which swung across his vast chest. It was a replica of one he once had, apparent diamond rings abounded on almost every finger and equally flashy apparent diamond and gold bracelets.

He said he had been a millionaire and lost two fortunes. He appeared to know everyone you mentioned. He had owned a hotel and managed a restaurant, fed Hilary Clinton when she was younger with pizzas. 

He was very critical of almost everything to do with the ship and was a regular torment to the waiters, and restaurant managers. His companion was delightful and tried to dampen down his excesses, with a very small degree of success.

That is what I like about cruising you meet some nice people and some much larger than you think real life can possibly produce. Yet they are very real!

We went to bed early on our first night, as we were exhausted, still suffering from jet lag and excitement.

The next day we arrived at our first port of call. My husband and I had been to Key West several years ago and we're looking forward to seeing it again. Have I  needed to buy some sturdy flip-flops?

Once ashore my husband too found something he needed. He became a David Bailey student as he played with his new video camera. We should hopefully have some interesting films to look at, at the end of the cruise.

We enjoyed our walkabout and the browse in the shops, plus a tea break and a slice of delicious Key lime pie. If you have never tried it, do. There were some very expensive yachts moored in the harbour. One I coveted was a smaller version of the Britannia. Roll on the lottery.

We ambled our way back on board, for another cup of tea minus cake, as our next exertion was to prepare ourselves for the last main meal of the day. Having said that, late-night revellers, had other options of chips, sausages and burgers. 

We managed to avoid those as we made our way to our cabin, to prepare ourselves for the next day´s adventures.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Jannik on Unsplash

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