Oct 22, 2023



The wind is whining through the window gap.

The doorknob rattles as it is sucked forward and back.

It is a night when spirits good and bad,

Walk the streets, playing trick or treat.

Be ready for their mischievous ways,

Please do not be too scared, 

It is fun only for one night of tricks

Dress yourselves all in black, 

Drape skeleton drawings

Down your front and back.

Have spiders unreal to place in someone's hand.

Wait for squeals to escape and expand.

Solemn white faces are scary to see,

When Witches and Ghouls pop out at thee.

Bats take to the air flying free.

Flitting around chimney tops and tree to tree.

Then it is food glorious food waiting for you.

You will enjoy the tricks, treats and spells, Yahooooo!

Taking the memories back home to bed with you.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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