Oct 29, 2023



It is that time again when a strangeness takes over our neighbourhood.

The family start wearing all-over black and becomes secretive.

Practising blood-curdling threats, so scary I can’t repeat them even if I could.

I am a cat, a black and white cat, I am very glad of that.

In years gone by black cats had a terrible time, and knew to hide well at Halloween time.

Even today some people seek black cats to take part in their act as witches with broomsticks.

Just leave us alone somewhere at home safe and secure, away from scary humans.

I can’t see what they see in all this rushing around, scaring everyone they happen to find.

Yet some call it fun and seem to have a great time.

Not me, wake me when it is over please, I will stay asleep in the meantime.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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