Oct 28, 2023



Shivers in my knees when the crows start their scary nighttime crowing.

I head home as fast as I can through the mist lightly clinging.

Ahead I see a lantern glowing, I hope it is my Dad coming to find me.

Too wit to woo Mr Owl is calling to reassure me not to be scared, as he is there to protect me from all the scary things of Halloween nights.

I hurried forward to meet my dad who gave me such a scare.

As he was dressed in a white sheet and black holes for eyes, pretending to be a ghost, I screamed I was terrified.

Till he pulled it off and said I am sorry it was only a bit of fun.

Come home with me now and join in the Halloween party with everyone.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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