Oct 30, 2023



What is that flying past the window at the beginning of the night? 

It is the gathering of things called bats, preparing to go on a hunt. 

Look: there is one, now another, swooping up and down. 

They pass at speed, missing each other by a cat’s whisker, grabbing moths and other insects fluttering by. 

They keep me amused for hours with their fly-pasts in the dark. 

Humans tell tales of their antics in the past, tied up with spiders, ghosts, witches and broomsticks. 

Somewhere along the line, decorated pumpkins have been added to this very scary time. 

Nowadays, things called sparklers and fireworks have been included to frighten me even more. 

So, on the nights of Halloween, as a dog, I keep myself safely tucked out of the way indoors, until the humans finish this time of hair-raising madness. 

Then the bats and I can recover until the next Halloween in a year’s time. 

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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