Oct 24, 2023



Looking out the window and peering into the dark, wondering when all the ghosts and ghoulies were going to start. 

Bats stretch their wings ready to fly about swooping, just missing you. 

Spiders prepare their largest webs to catch the unwary as they pass by. 

Mice scamper past the pumpkins sitting there with eyes so scary, pausing, when brave enough, for a nibble. 

That’s if they manage to bite through the tough skin to taste the yellow gold inside. 

Baskets of delicious treats and nasty tricks are being prepared; soon it will be time. 

The witching hour is near: to dress up as ghosts or witches carrying magic entwined in our brooms; ready to go out into the darkest night with torches to show the way. 

I hope all black cats are tucked safely away, as we do not want harm to come to them during this Halloween night scare. 

Take care when out this ghostly night, and have your parents close by as you knock on doors to trick and treat. If you become too scared, go back and tell them why. 

They will tell you tales of when they were young and enjoyed Halloween’s scary fun. 

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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