Oct 25, 2023



Halloween scares are not where you think they might be.

Some you carry about with you.

Make sure your shoelaces are tied up when you run in the dark. 

Switch your torch on lighting the path ahead of you or you will go down a rabbit's warren and you might lose a shoe.

Wave your broomstick or wand ahead to break the spiders webbs or they will stick to you.


Keep your hat on and hair tucked away, so Bats won’t land and become tangled unable to flit away.

Be prepared for owls to hoot at you too, as they are out hunting food, not having fun like you.

Fireworks thrown too near can hurt, they should not be part of a game.

Leave them for parents to carefully arrange.

Make sure you have enough treats to balance the tricks or else you might lose a friend.

Not the way Halloween is meant to end.

Once the witching hour is past go home to lovely food to break your fast, gathering family and friends to relate all the scary parts of your Halloween.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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