Aug 4, 2023



Yesterday was a day of inspections and results, we started on a high. The letterbox clattered I was there in a flash, to perform my most important task at the start of the day. Picking up the post and carrying it to a member of the family.

Some days, I play hard to get and wander around the room with the letters in my mouth, tail wagging before giving them up.

This past week the post seems to have become important and a disappointment. Dad has been waiting with anxiety for an official letter. As I picked the post up, Dad appeared down the stairs. 

He asked me to, ‘Hand it over please Satu.’ I did as I sensed he was worried. He sorted through the few letters in his hand, held on to one, glanced at it tore open the envelope and read anxiously.

Wobbly and I sat watching him expectantly. A smile appeared, ‘I have my driving license back I can now drive again.’ Wobbly jumped up in delight and they both hugged one another. I just pranced around sneezing and sneezing, trying to join in. It was a very important letter.

‘What a relief, I have my independence back. It is not till you lose a part of or all of your sight, that you realize how vital it is. I am a very lucky happy man. I am glad I went to seek help when those black floaters and a bit of something hanging appeared in my eyes. Apparently, that is classed as a medical emergency and should be seen and treated urgently. So pleased I went, I was not going to you know!’

‘Oh I know,’ said Wobbly, ‘ that is why I became such a nag.’

Dad replied, ‘Now we can start planning our trip.’

I was pleased as well, not sure about their mention of the trip though. That is a black cloud hanging over Lily and me, we don’t want them to go. I gave myself a leg shake to stay positive.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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