Jul 1, 2023



What can I say that has not been said before,

Millions of times, over thousands of years?

Prayers of sorrow for unspeakable loss.

Prayers for safe journeys, some with no hope of return.

Prayers in hope for a happy, loving marriage as two lives merge.

Prayers of joy at the birth of children, the next generation.

Prayers of thanks for steady employment.

Prayers to keep a roof over our heads.

Prayers to keep pain at bay, a frequently asked plea.

Prayers for rain and fresh water nearby.

Prayers for good harvests and animal husbandry.

Prayers for our safety in an unsettled world.

Prayers for men and women of integrity to lead and govern.

There are many prayers I have not mentioned here.

They will be the ones very personal to you.

Yet, just looking at the list, 

Prayers are flowing fervently everywhere.

God must be very busy trying to answer them now, too.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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