Jun 30, 2023




As humans, we have, through the pressures of this messed-up world of ours, lost the immense value of time. Time for ourselves, our families, our friends, our neighbours and our communities. 


If we selfishly start with ourselves: if you are a working single person, you may not yet have responsibility for others, just lots for yourself. The need to fly the nest to make your own way in the world, if achieved, is with thoughts of freedom to row your own boat. 

However, it comes with a cargo of responsibility. Time begins to make demands on you, subtly at first, as you enjoy your new freedom. 

The largest might be rent, or mortgage payments, with all the bills attached, and the amount of energy needed to keep the smallest home going. 

You have all your communication gadgets: your responsibility, otherwise you will lose contact with work, family and friends. 

Friends around at first; you entertain them merrily, then off out to the pub or a gig. Food does not miraculously appear on the table; a quick takeaway might fill the gap. 

All is well and good till the budget is attacked. Then horror of horrors! There is more going out than finding its way back in. 

The first to stop is active physical friendship, because of the high costs attached. The price is even higher than that, as loneliness, humans’ worst hidden disease, bites right back. 

Your gadgets take over, at a cost, to absorb you: films, sports, pop culture and friends (perhaps not so often, as you are no longer one of the gang, out and about having fun). 


There are ways to maintain physical contact, freely or very cheaply. Join a group: your local library has a host of information about them and links to find them. Some are run from the libraries themselves and have cafés attached. Local religious centres and councils have interesting links to activities in their areas. 

Do some voluntary work for a charity of your choice; some amazing people are doing the same and it gives you a sense of purpose. 

Ask each of your friends to bring a plate of food when you meet next, which you can all share, weather permitting, outdoors. There is much fun to be had in such activity, and friendships are strengthened. 


The next to restrict is heating, lighting, insurance and water bills; at the moment, they keep on rising, as does the mortgage. 


Waste not, want not comes to mind here. If we think hard about it, we can reduce the amount we use of each of these. 

As humans in this modern world, we are seriously wasteful. Shop around; there is something you can do about that. Beware: read the small print on a contract as, if not understood, it can return later to bite back. 

Join a walking group or any group where, for a very small cost, or even free from some councils, you can make friends and pick up friendly, workable tips to handle tasks attached to living a solitary lifestyle. Try it; it is fun. 

No one needs to be lonely unless they want to be; they just need the information and encouragement to make the first move. 

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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