Jul 2, 2023



Penny Wobbly & Ian Wilcox

Me and her sound absurd 

For different as can be 

Different genres and different ages 

One likes stories one poetry 

Yet a bond is form because  

We speaking every day 

The friendship grows and actions show 

Both like to play 

Play with words in the absurd 

Creative knows no limits 

Much deeper though when not on show 

The minds and what is in it 

Her and me a chemistry 

A bond that is not love 

Mutual respect for what inject 

The calmness of the Dove 

When the phone does ring joy will bring 

When I see who's calling 

A daily thing to make the heart sing 

In a world sometimes so appalling 

Me and her we concur 

On many things each does 

A friend with a feel of family 

Have you got one too?

Ian Wilcox

Photo by Pixabay

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