Jul 2, 2023




Satu: "Oh, dear Lily is in a panic her fur is all on end."

She was around here having her last evening meal outside. 

When a blast of fireworks was set off with no warning very close to our house. 

What a shock for everyone!

I was scared too, shaking in fact. I started sneezing and sneezing in fury, as Lily was on her own out there.

Wobbly noticed and headed for the door to help a terrified Lily, as rockets were screaming skywards above and over her cutting off escape back to safety in her own house.

As Wobbly opened the door she was just in time to see the last of Lily’s tail disappearing over the wall. 

She called and called with no result. 

Wobbly came indoors and we rushed through the house to the front door, I pounced out to see if I could see her.

I sneezed and sneezed as loudly as I could. Oh if only I could bark, this is when I would use it.

Another blast of fireworks started up, causing us to retreat indoors again as they were being sprayed around in all directions.

Wobbly was angry at how close they were to the houses. We still searched out the windows lite up by the flashes for Lily.

No luck!

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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