May 1, 2023



Give me the time just before spring has sprung and before autumn gathers its storms of freezing cutting winds.

I love the time when a cold nip is there in the early morning and evenings, as I grip my dressing gown around me a little tighter.

While I take my early morning wander around the garden with the cat in tow.

Feeling the slight dampness of the departing early mist and the lingering smell of damp bathed earth.

I love the pre-autumn evenings as the sun starts to fade, the nip arrives to chase the heat away.

And the stars appear in all their brilliance, never ceasing to amaze, as the cat and I take our final evening stroll.

Before taking a deep breath and a quick retreat back indoors.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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