May 1, 2023



How can we ignore it? We cannot. 

It is like a leaking abscess, slowly infecting other countries surrounding its borders.

Spreading fear and mobilisation of large groups of people going from one place to another, seeking sanctuary and being harassed by gangs of bandits. 

Seeking the basic necessities of life: food, water, shelter, and safety.

The disruption of agriculture in Sudan and neighbouring countries will have a knock-on effect on food supplies in the area.

Sadly, it will add to the interruption of food production and supply due to the wars in Ukraine and Syria and the horrendous flooding in Pakistan, Australia, and New Zealand, amongst others.

Conversely, there are countries suffering droughts lasting years. All these weather and war events are impacting on the food chain and food costs for many.

We all need to do our part to protect food and water supplies that are under pressure.

Peace and humanitarian talks need to be persuaded, at government and international levels, to restore trust, to calm the fighting, and to stop the vast population movements across borders.

Can we help? Yes, we can, by supporting the charities working in the field. 

Looking out in our neighbourhoods for groups from the countries involved. 

They need friends at these times, as they struggle with anxiety for families left behind in danger, as they grapple with the mass of legal documents needed to be completed in order to bring dependants home to them.

Here, we live in safety and I am very thankful for that.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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