Mar 30, 2023



As a ship of the desert, a camel I am!

Plodding my way through the ever-shifting sand. Huddling down, back to the howling winds, some hot, some bitterly cold, which blow out of nowhere and sting.

Sometimes I refuse to arise, but eventually have to give in. Goods I carry on my back, all sizes and shapes. Some are quite cosy; others hurt and irritate with too much weight.

I try to shake them off, spit at the loader my way of complaint.
Plenty of warning I give when upset, so humans can retreat from a hard thump with my neck.

Stars you will see, but not the night-time starry show you and I know. I am capable of hurting quite badly those who show me no respect. A bite painfully delivered by me, leaving an imprint for others to inspect.

Yet, in the desert, I have no equal, able to make my way from oasis to oasis, or to almost forgotten rivers covered by the shifting sand. I will take you anywhere but, as a proud ship of the desert, I need to remind you I am in command.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License

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