Mar 29, 2023



I often wonder, do I do enough?

On first rising, do not do so well,

Leave everything to the wife to handle.

As I am concentrating on washing, shaving and clothes rearranging.

Mentally trying to configure arguments I must use in court.

Detaching myself from family distractions, eating, saying goodbye, 

quick kisses and slipping out the door.

Only on the train does guilt slip in again.

What did she say, to be home in time, 

to watch the end-of-term children’s play?

I should have put my clothes away,

Not leaving them, with wet towels, all over the bed and floor.

The wife will not like that at all.

I have to switch off and fully immerse myself in what is ahead today.

After all, I am the breadwinner!

If I fail, everything we have will be lost; that is too high a cost.

On the train, I remember the play, now nearing the end, 

which I will fail yet again to attend. I will be berated for sure.

I just have to put my head down and beaver away.

If I win, which I often manage to do.

I will take home a reconciliation red rose (it used to be a bunch).

To say sorry, I will do more to help you from now on.

Meant at the time, but the question still is do I do enough? 

It just won’t go away.

The guilt-ridden answer is no!

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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