Mar 31, 2023



In reply to a question?  

Why do the chaps not start a loneliness club as the girls just have? 

I think for centuries, men have had to be macho and strong. To recognise loneliness in themselves could not be allowed.

However recent events have seen men gather together for a cause close to their hearts. 

Like the three grieving men, who lost three beautiful daughters through suicide. They are on a mission to raise funds for others. To raise awareness, prevention and support for those suffering in silence, both the possible victims, and the desperate families left asking WHY?

Other men have appeared to support them physically on the walk to help achieve their funding target. Yet the greatest plus is, uniting as men with a need to support or be supported, in doing so becoming friends and mates.

The sports fields have seen causes raised by elite players for colleagues, stricken by life-changing illnesses. They have gathered to raise support and raise funding for football fans. Plus in their spare time together as men, to support the afflicted players and their families.

These small flames are growing with lasting friendships. It is perhaps a male response to loneliness around a cause.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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