Oct 24, 2022




Dancing to it's own rules,

Have to find a way to tame it.

Took me half an hour

To write the last piece.

I will be back.

© 2022 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Oct 15, 2022

Have You Seen My Smile Today


Have you seen my smile today?

Each time I have checked it is not there.

Oh where do you think it might have gone?

I wear it to let the World know I am fine.

Yet it has still not arrived on waking this morn.

Oh where do you think my smile has gone?

Perhaps it is a sign all is not right at this moment.

I have something deep down bothering me.

Oh where do you think my smile has gone?

It is said that honest admission eases a weight on the heart.

Allowing sadness to flee and smiles to restart.

Oh where do you think my smile has gone.

I now have a small clue, I know what to do.

I will place my hand on my heart, head on my pillow

Releasing thoughts that are uncomfortable.

Then when I awake I will look straight in the mirror

To see if my cheery smile has returned.


2022 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Oct 13, 2022



INDEPENDENCE DAY GLOBAL LITERARY HONORS from Motivational Strips jointly with Gujarat Sahitya Academy is respected worldwide as the highest testimonial a poet or writer can cherish. 

This year we had 100 recipients from International countries who made it to this privileged list owing to their literary merit, interactions and clean track record. 

The recipients were approved, and signed by Motivational Strips Global Administration and Gujarat Sahitya Academy on July 20th 2022. The recipients were chosen after an exhaustive evaluation owing to their literary contributions from mid 2021 to Mid2022. 

All the recipients are eligible for an online certificate like the former years . But this year the added cherry on the cake is that the top 10 International recipients will receive  complimentary hard copy of the certificate and a souvenir medal to mark the occasion. 

Slipping Backward and Forward Through the Ages


In the still of the night, footsteps from the past are heard anew.

A soft brush of a sandal on a paved walkway.

A clip of hardened leather on a kerb.

The soft clatter of weight transfer together with the expelling of breath of restless horses after a hard day.

I have to let go of today to float backwards to connect with a distant time.

To really appreciate the way they lived their lives.

First the sounds surrounding us are totally different, remove bicycles, cars, van’s lorries trains, mobile phones, police cars and ambulances.

What commands your attention now? 

No, it will not be silence! 

It will be a cacophony of sounds. 

Young, shrill voices earnestly selling goods to earn food for their families. 

Costermongers shouting out their wares. 

The selling of spices with their olfactory wafting tantalisation. 

The whisper of silk beloved by women, and lavished on them by their men. 

The warmth of wool being exchanged for the coolness of cotton as temperatures rise. 

Passing the jewellery stall with a display of glittering, real or false gems tempting a purchase.

Last stop to the pub, for a pie and to sup a few tankards of well-deserved beer, never quite achieved, as you feel the years gathering you again and slipping you back to the present and home to bed.

2022 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Oct 12, 2022



I am feeling rather wicked, I wonder what I can do?

I am tired of being so goody, goody, aren’t you?

I will leave the dishes in the sink for someone else to clean.

Leave the drawers and cupboards open just an untidy little bit.

I will leave the lids off the jam jars and knives with peanut butter, sticking to the tops, awaiting a slice of bread to mop up the lot.

Oops someone has just come home the key is in the lock.

I better put it all away in case I give them a shock, as they are used to me being a goody two shoes.

Not hiding such wicked, wicked, thoughts.

2022 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License

Oct 8, 2022



Scotland is on my mind today, as it gathers it’s regalia of history to bid farewell to their Chief of Chief’s. 

A woman who carried the blood of Scottish Kings within her being and love of the land and people within her heart.

As they left Balmoral for the last time, great sorrow was left behind, knowing never again would she and her corgis bodily freely roam the hills and glens.

With her seated on a saddle and on a trusty steed’s back. In time that memory will comfort many, as to the sound of the bagpipes she rode her way home to Balmoral.

On her last Scottish journey, leaving home, the drive she knew well, was lined by people in groups large and small, or in isolation in desolate parts of the drive. 

Farmers lined up tractors acknowledge her tie to the land, riders gathered in thanks for saving ancient breeds of horses. Old and young all paying their respects to the woman they honoured as their Chief and Queen.

Onwards she sped to lie in state in Edinburgh for her subjects to say their goodbyes, before journeying to England for her lying in state at Westminster Hall for thousands to pay their respects before leaving for her Funeral service in Westminster Abbey. 

After which in procession with her family, they will make their way to her English home and internment beside her husband in St George’s Chapel Windsor, together with her many majestic relatives in final rest.

The Queen’s legacy of strength and commitment will be spread amongst her people for the unity of all.

© 2022 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License

Oct 7, 2022



I clicked on an advert from a well-known fashionable shop. 

What a shock I got! Sandals flat and cushioned with a price that gave me a knock-

Who can buy these, they are nice looking, but oh my at a price tag of £1,010 a pop?

They are not a colour you could wear a lot, flashy though they are. They were not made to last for long as far as I could see.

Scuffs would soon show with wear and tear, repairs would cost an arm and a leg.

They must be mad as I run my fingers through my hair. For that price I could feed a whole family for a month it’s not fair.

If you are tempted, go to a cheaper area, you will find equally lovely sandals waiting there.

It might give you the thrill to have money available, for the appearance of some of those nasty little extra bills.

2022 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License