Oct 15, 2022

Have You Seen My Smile Today


Have you seen my smile today?

Each time I have checked it is not there.

Oh where do you think it might have gone?

I wear it to let the World know I am fine.

Yet it has still not arrived on waking this morn.

Oh where do you think my smile has gone?

Perhaps it is a sign all is not right at this moment.

I have something deep down bothering me.

Oh where do you think my smile has gone?

It is said that honest admission eases a weight on the heart.

Allowing sadness to flee and smiles to restart.

Oh where do you think my smile has gone.

I now have a small clue, I know what to do.

I will place my hand on my heart, head on my pillow

Releasing thoughts that are uncomfortable.

Then when I awake I will look straight in the mirror

To see if my cheery smile has returned.


2022 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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