Oct 8, 2022



Scotland is on my mind today, as it gathers it’s regalia of history to bid farewell to their Chief of Chief’s. 

A woman who carried the blood of Scottish Kings within her being and love of the land and people within her heart.

As they left Balmoral for the last time, great sorrow was left behind, knowing never again would she and her corgis bodily freely roam the hills and glens.

With her seated on a saddle and on a trusty steed’s back. In time that memory will comfort many, as to the sound of the bagpipes she rode her way home to Balmoral.

On her last Scottish journey, leaving home, the drive she knew well, was lined by people in groups large and small, or in isolation in desolate parts of the drive. 

Farmers lined up tractors acknowledge her tie to the land, riders gathered in thanks for saving ancient breeds of horses. Old and young all paying their respects to the woman they honoured as their Chief and Queen.

Onwards she sped to lie in state in Edinburgh for her subjects to say their goodbyes, before journeying to England for her lying in state at Westminster Hall for thousands to pay their respects before leaving for her Funeral service in Westminster Abbey. 

After which in procession with her family, they will make their way to her English home and internment beside her husband in St George’s Chapel Windsor, together with her many majestic relatives in final rest.

The Queen’s legacy of strength and commitment will be spread amongst her people for the unity of all.

© 2022 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License

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