Oct 7, 2022



I clicked on an advert from a well-known fashionable shop. 

What a shock I got! Sandals flat and cushioned with a price that gave me a knock-

Who can buy these, they are nice looking, but oh my at a price tag of £1,010 a pop?

They are not a colour you could wear a lot, flashy though they are. They were not made to last for long as far as I could see.

Scuffs would soon show with wear and tear, repairs would cost an arm and a leg.

They must be mad as I run my fingers through my hair. For that price I could feed a whole family for a month it’s not fair.

If you are tempted, go to a cheaper area, you will find equally lovely sandals waiting there.

It might give you the thrill to have money available, for the appearance of some of those nasty little extra bills.

2022 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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