Feb 20, 2022



May fairy dust coat your pillow to slip you off to sleep for the night.

So new adventures you can enjoy with fairies, as they gently fly you to amazing and wonderful sights.

You can meet the man on the moon and praise him for the brilliant man he is. As he is able to change the sea, from deep dark black, to silvery reflecting grey. 

Lighting up the contours of the land with a hint of the light of day.

They’ll introduce you to water voles and beavers, making their homes in the river banks. They’ll call Mr Eel to come up and put on a show, so you can see how acrobatic he can be.

He’ll keep you guessing how old he is and splash around in delight, when your guess is so very wrong.

Not many manage to be correct, as eels can live a long time if left alone.

Fairies  will take you to a pond to see a dragonfly, struggling up a reed, to wait for it’s wings to expand at the touch of the rising sun.

As night is ending, they’ll show you the opening of a rosebud and ask you to breathe deeply.

When you do you’ll wake with a start, to find you have slept the whole night through and it is almost breakfast time.

© 2022 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen 

Photo: Pixabay License

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