Feb 25, 2022



I am wormy, the worm

I wriggle and I squirm

All day and night airing the Earth.

Increasing it’s value for you.

I only stop when a long-beaked bird is near

Or a mole digging a hole to find me.

I am their favourite meal

So I stay very still, till they move away.

I am wormy, the worm

I wriggle and I squirm

When you first see me you shout, move away.

Fling your arms is all about making a funny face.

I don’t bite, it’s bits of mushy food and leaves

And that sort of stuff I love to eat.

When I have chewed it through,

The soil, subject of my toil, is beautiful to see.

I am wormy, the worm

I wriggle and squirm

Please leave me undisturbed my work to carry on.

Just come to say hello if you are alone.

I love a quiet chat,

As when you are there,

You keep the birds and moles away,

So I can rest a while, listening to you.

© 2022 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen 

Photo: Pixabay License

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