Feb 18, 2022



At last, we have the key of the door. Our new house which we now own and are able to explore.

We exchanged glances, with eyes moist, as we entered the house of our choice, our home.

A gentle touch as we started the tour, with echoing footsteps we walked into every room, with questions and answers flying.

‘Is this my room all my own Pai’ a little voice enquired

Screams of delight when the answer was, ‘ yes.’

‘What about mine where do I sleep? ‘another voice anxiously asked.

‘You're over here right next to Pai and mine, sharing with your baby sister.’ 

You are a big girl now. 

Smiles spilt over and arms hugged themselves nice and tight.

‘Where is the toilet? 

Where are our toys, will we have any to sleep with tonight?’

Slowly the tour continued till each corner was explored. 

Trying to imagine where the furniture and beds might go.

Opening cupboard doors, looking through and out windows.

This we hope will be our forever home, room for parties and family to come, fun to be had by everyone.

Tonight we’ll sleep here in a bit of a mess, by the weekend everything will be in it’s the correct place.

We now have a beautiful home to call our own.

© 2022 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen 

Photo: Pixabay License

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