Sep 19, 2024



My husband was grumbling, "Do you remember those blueberries I planted?" I nodded in reply.

"Well they have masses of berries and some are blue, but every time I go to pick them, none are ripe enough. What a waste of space they are!"

I noticed a while ago that he had netted them to protect them from the birds.

With my interest alerted, I began to take a closer look at the blueberry bushes.

Suddenly a flurry of black feathers landed on the net, it was a blackbird.

I sat quietly watching and caught the thief at work.

He looked around to see if it was safe to start his robbery.

He pecked at the blueberries through the net, as it was a tight mesh net he could not pull the berries through.

That did not stop him from picking the fruit.

How silly is that I thought to myself, to just destroy the fruit?

Then he flew down to the ground and there laid out before him was a carpet of juicy blueberries.

He quickly crushed and swallowed them, staining his yellow beak blue in the process.

My husband decided, he would have to be up very early to beat the blackbird to his Blueberry breakfast.

2024 ©  Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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