Jun 19, 2024



I was sitting restfully for a moment after an active afternoon when screeches of terror shattered my peace again and again. 

An animal in trouble: what and where might it be? I listened for a second or two, trying to decide which way to go. 

Then a dog barked and growled aggressively around the side of the house. My first thought was that the dachshund had come for a return visit.

I headed for the front door, anxiously wondering what I would find. The screeching continued, seeming to come from across the front lawn. 

On opening the door, I caught sight of a young fox running towards the main gate, still crying pitifully in terror.

I equally anxiously clapped to attract the animal’s attention; the dog went on to join a couple in the lane; the fox ran back in, still screeching. 

Streaking across the lawn, it headed straight for a neighbour's solid wooden gate.

I gasped in despair: what are you doing? Only to see it flatten on the ground, squeeze its way under the gate and vanish.

The cries ceased and peace returned. I just hope it did not receive any injuries in the encounter. 

My other hope is it finds another escape route, as it was a young, growing fox and might not be able to wriggle under the gate much longer. 

Take care, my young friend, take care.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Linda Jake on Unsplash

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