Feb 6, 2024



I do not think we have ever had so much trouble finding the bus stop, as we did in Fuerteventura.

On the first inquiry, we were told to go to the roundabout on the main road.

Off we set, none the wiser as to which was the main road.

There were several likely contenders with ornamental roundabouts, but no bus stop.

The next day, we made the second attempt we asked for firmer directions to the bus stop.

“Go up that road to the wooden house.”

Believe it or not, this was no help as several dwellings could pass as wooden houses. 

Still no sign of the bus stop.

After yet another set of directions, we eventually found the bus stop.

The wooden House was the bus stop itself,

© 2024 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License 

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