Dec 11, 2023



We’ve been buying presents at a very slow rate.

Now the panic is on to make sure we are not too late.

Do we have beautiful paper for our special presents to wrap them tenderly?

Or do we find some from the wrapping leftover from years long past?

Where is the string, or do we now have some new sticky fancy stuff?

Does it sparkle when twisted, or do we have some spray to cover up?

What about the labels will they match the paper, or do we leave them off?

And scrawl in our best writing, our love and big kisses all over our gift.

It is fun wrapping Christmas Presents, and giving them to those we love.

We will place them around the Christmas tree, before going upstairs to sleep, with our tasks well done.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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