Dec 16, 2023



There is light in the cabin tonight.

Who dared to journey the weathers is not right.

Snow is thick on the forest floor.

With ice crunchy and dangerous lurking below.

The car is on a stop, start, push, shove.

Burning within, one hand freezing having lost a glove.

The cabin appeared out of the gloom.

At last out of the car, head down and a trudge up the hill.

Slipping and sliding, puffing with packs wearing you down

A quick lookup, five more steps and key in the door.

No welcome yet till the generator comes on, lights and fire are aglow.

Time to glance at the approaching night and the sight of the moon.

Before closing the door, allowing the warmth

Of love to be shared and overflowing with in the room.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay

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