Oct 20, 2023



The fox is on his way to a shrieking Halloween party, if you are scared stay at home.

The bears are out roaming because it is too hot to tuck themselves away.

They are far too hungry to hide for a long winter’s sleep without a great big meal to eat.

Mr Fox explained at Halloween parties much is left lying around.

They just have to creep in without making a sound.

If anyone should call out in fright, stand up and roar they will flee as far away as they can.

As very scary things are expected to happen on Halloween night.

So take your pick, some of the delights might stick on your fur as you make your way wearily to your comfortable winter’s den.

Once there you can taste the treats you have carried secretly home.

Before curling up tight to snore, till the new Spring knocks a wake-up call at your door.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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