Sep 3, 2023



Young Winston was very upset that his exam results had not reached him yet. He had worked so hard, harder than before, so he could achieve the marks needed to take him to the university of his choice. 

Everyone had theirs; yet his had still not come. It was not fair. If they didn’t come soon, the university of his choice would not have room for him. All his hard work would come to nought if he could not go there. He locked himself in his room, in utter despair. 

The school checked and checked and phones buzzed; still no results were found. Then the frantic ringing of a bicycle's bell, with the postman waving a letter in the air: “I have it here. It fell off one of the machines, was kicked along the floor and was half hidden by a cupboard door.” 

He handed it over and everyone anxiously waited for Winston to declare the results to all waiting there. His face burst into a big smile and he jumped into the air, shouting, “I have done it. Top marks in each subject taken. Please pass me the phone to see if there is still a space for me in my choice of university.” 

Once more, the silent anxious wait you could cut with a knife, until the magic words were heard: “You have a place!” 

Celebrations and congratulations all around, a happy sound, went on throughout the day. Dedication and hard work usually pay. 

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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