Sep 2, 2023



Swing, swing!

Can you hear the birds up in the trees?

Making me swing with their melodies.

My body moves with a rhythm all it’s own.

Swing, swing!

Come on, join in this joyful song.

Fingers click, feet flick, small jump in celebration.

The ducks in the pond quack along in delight.

Swing, swing! 

The horse in the meadow kicks up his heels.

Encouraging the cows to join in the dance and melody.

Moo, neigh! Neigh moo, another two will do.

Swing, swing! 

Keep it going Mr Owl has woken.

He has just added his wit to woo the best he can do.

Mr frog has croaked loudly three times in tune.

Swing, swing!

Sing to this wonderful chorus.

Those who hear us will always remember.

When they first heard a real dawn chorus.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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