Sep 29, 2023



When lying on the grass under a shady tree, my eyelids drooped and soon I was asleep, to be awoken with the lightest of touches tickling my nose.

Gently, oh so gently, I opened my eyes to see a beautiful butterfly standing on four legs and staring into my eyes.

I am not sure who was the most surprised.

It opened its wings in case danger I might be, allowing me to see the underside of its wings up close.

I gazed at its tiny face and its eyes with its multiple sight sensors, as it rapidly uncurled its proboscis, gently touching my nose and quickly retracting.

I was obviously not the flavour it was seeking.

My nose started to feel a sneeze approaching. The need to suppress it became overpowering.

I did not want to propel my delicate visitor into orbit with an explosion.

Thankfully, it took off in time, allowing me to admire its beautiful flight.

How could something so beautiful come from something so ugly, yet so interesting, as a caterpillar?

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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