Sep 30, 2023



Splash, splash we are having fun in the bath. 

Bubbles are moving this way and that. 

The rubber duck is bobbing along. 

Mum sent him back, singing a song. 

Splash, splash, we are having fun in the bath.

Splash, splash, splash, splash. 

I hit the water too hard; mum is wet, too. 

Oh what a todo. Whoopee, whoopee do. 

Ducky has sailed past. I made a grab. 

He’s down under and back up with a splash. 

I send him back to the other end with a laugh. 

Mum starts singing our song again. 

Splash, splash, we are having fun in the bath.

Splash, splash, splash, splash. 

When bath time is over, I am wrapped in a towel, 

Given a good rub and a tickle.

When dry, I know the fun time is over. 

It ends with a kiss on the nose and a cuddle, up close. 

Dressed in pyjamas, we head wearily for bed,

With mum singing our song quietly now. 

Splash, splash, we have had fun in the bath.

Splash, splash, splash, splash. 

Goodnight, sleepy head; time now to rest. 

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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