Sep 23, 2023



We lunched in Lanzarote at a place called Arrieta in a small white restaurant called El Largo on a sun-drenched patio.

The Atlantic provided the music and umbrellas flared their skirts in the breeze and performed colourful dancing displays.

The waves marched in, in long sparkling columns, tops tumbling white arising from the azure and inky blue sea.

Their strength dying in pounding thunder on lumps of black lava, twisting and frothing, then reluctantly sucked and drawn away.

Swishing backwards, scooping up particles of lava and froth to scatter out into the bay.

I was sorry when the meal was over and I had to say my goodbyes.

I hope one day, I will find another El Largo to tastefully ease my hunger and please my heart and eye.

Leaving me with warm happy memories to pull out when I'm feeling down, on cold, wet, windy, depressing days.


Part of a collection written while cruising on the Black Prince. 

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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