Sep 22, 2023




While sitting in a booth in a supermarket café in Worthing, anticipating my husband’s return from the dentist after a tooth extraction, I began preparing myself for a quick departure. 

The thought occurred to me that I needed some cash, and I decided to use the cash machine on the way out. I removed my debit card from my handbag, along with a WobblingPen card to give to our waitress who had been very kind. 

My husband appeared suddenly and I started to slide along the seat, only to dislodge my debit card onto the floor against the window. I uttered a cry of despair, as I knew my arms would not be able to reach it. 

Plan B: 

I would take off my flip-flop and slide the card along the floor with my foot. My young man said, “What are you doing?” as he waited with my three-wheeled walking aid. I tried to explain, but he had only one hearing aid in, as the other had gone for repair. So, instead of a dignified and quiet, “I am trying to retrieve my debit card; it is on the floor,” I had to say it loud enough for the whole café to hear.

“Oh for goodness sake, let me get it,”

I replied, “You can’t get down there; there is not enough room.” 

However, I was already sprawled on the settee, waving my foot and slowly dragging the card towards where he could grab it. By this time, I was on my back like an upside-down turtle, with the card almost there; thank goodness I was wearing trousers. Then a Prince Charming appeared: a gentleman from the next table. He could have been a basketball player, he was so tall. “Do not worry I can get it for you.” 

With that, he was under the table, retrieved the lost card, picked up my flip flop and replaced it on my foot. Once I had regained the upright position and regained my dignity, I said, “Now Cinderella shall go to the ball; the shoe fits.” 

The whole café burst into laughter. My poor husband said, “Thank you,” to the gentleman, and “Come on; let’s get out of here,” to me. I turned to my Prince Charming, saying, “Thank you for rescuing me. I would like to give you this WobblingPen card in thanks. I am a Storyteller and you might find something on the site to amuse you and your friend during boring travelling time waits.” They were delighted; we shook hands and left, heading for the cash machine. 

I hate cash machines and normally use them only in the bank or Post Office, but need must. “Please do not gobble up my card, or flood me with too many things to press, and yes, I do want a receipt, thanks.” 

Talking to the machine: do you do that? I can’t be the only one! 

Thankfully, someone thought I had had enough for one day, and cash and receipt appeared on command. We then made our way, uneventfully, back home.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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