Aug 30, 2023



We arrived back to our New Zealand home for a 5-month stay.

Here we are known as ‘swallows’ because we come in summer and leave before winter.

During this time we live very different lives, with different friends and interests.

After a couple of days of non-stop sleep, I became aware of the wonderful bird song coming from all directions around the house and garden, very different from our English bird chorus.

My heart thrilled to the very distinctive calling of the Tui.

They are unusual birds, who are almost able to produce the sounds of a whole orchestra by themselves, lots of clicks, whistles and bangs.

They are wonderful to listen to and very handsome to look at in their dark blue, green and bronze plumage, with white ruffs around their necks and a blob of pure white feathers under their chins.

I went onto the deck as was my custom to call a greeting to them.

‘Hello Mr. Tui, hello Mr. Tui, Tui.’

Sometimes if I’m lucky they call back.

However this time, we were interrupted by a frantic repetitious crying, getting nearer and nearer.

I looked down and saw my neighbour’s silver-grey cat running up their path calling loudly as she ran.

She made a leap and clawed her way up the wooden fence, paused for a moment and jumped down.

The crying became louder and louder as she rushed up the stairs and threw herself at my feet, rubbing my legs still crying.

I was very touched and said ‘Oh Dumpling you have remembered our friendship after 18 months.

What an amazing cat, you are just so clever!’

I chatted to her patting and smoothing her coat gently.

We had been unable to come last year due to family reasons back in the UK.

Dumpling and I shared this very special greeting. Before she climbed up onto my lap and settled herself down.

After a while purring contentedly she fell asleep as she is now an old lady.

Looking down at her, I hoped we would be able to share many more companionable times during this visit.

Hopefully, as she is an old cat, help her to fight off younger contenders for her territory especially at night.

© Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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